Wednesday, February 15, 2012


瑪麗蓮夢露(Marilyn Monroe)曾經多次下榻紐約的Ritz-Carlton酒店並留下其美麗倩影。這是Sam Shaw1955年所拍攝的一張照片,其中的夢露正在自己的酒店套房,和當時的紐約時報專欄作家Earl Wilson輕鬆地聊天。Earl Wilson4080年間活躍於文壇,專門寫作關於百老匯的文章,被稱為”Midnight Earl”。這幅照片推翻了夢露有六個腳趾的謠言,相對的,我們可以看見她繁華卸去的寫意風情。夢露一直是Ritz的忠實顧客,因為她每次在紐約奢華的麗思酒店,均能獲得一個特別的豪華套房。

Marilyn Monroe in the Ritz Carlton

Description of image: Sam Shaw photographed Marilyn as she was chatting with Earl Wilson a gossip columnist for The New York Post, in her suite at the Ritz Carlton in New York City, 1955. Wilson was the Post's columnist who focused on Broadway from the 1940's through the 80's, known as "Midnight Earl". This photo dispels the myth that Marilyn had six toes. In addition, she was quite relaxed in a revealing dress with her stockings removed, placed next to her on the bed. Marilyn liked to stay at the Ritz because she was always given a premiere suite in the luxurious New York hotel.

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