Friday, September 28, 2012

超級富豪比一般人平均多讀25頁print media

原文:Ultra-affluents read 25pc more print media than average consumers

Despite the growing number of magazines and newspapers on smartphones and tablets, the majority of ultra-affluent consumers in the United States are still consuming content via print at a steady rate, according to research from Ipsos MediaCT.
The 2012 Mendelsohn Affluent Survey found that 82 percent of affluent consumers who have at least $100,000 household income read at least one of the 150 print magazines and newspapers asked, with these consumers reading an average of 8.2 titles. Meanwhile, ultra-affluents with $250,000 household income consume approximately 25 percent more print media or an average of 10 titles.
“Affluents are still consuming media, particularly print, even though there are so many devices in the market,” said Steve Kraus, San Francisco-based chief research and insights officer for Ipsos MediaCT‘s audience measurement group.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The best piano in the world--Bosendorfer

Bosendorfer(中文:貝森朵夫), 是全球古典音樂樂迷,特別是鋼琴愛好者,都不得不敬聽的一個名字。我個人聞名已久,一直到來美之後,才在一位教授朋友的家中,親眼見到、並且親手彈到一台貝森朵夫。由於鋼琴的年代久遠,因此白色鍵均以象牙製成。這樣子的鋼琴,現在可能已經很難見到了。


貝森朵夫,它的歷史背景可追朔到1828年,當時正是以維也納為音樂文化中心,且被建立成一個以鋼琴音樂為主的城市。伊格納茲‧貝森朵芙,一個木匠的兒子,十九歲時正在奧地利非常著名的鋼琴製造廠Joseph Brodman當學徒,直到1828年,Ignaz Bosendorfer自組他的製造生產事業,很快的,他的新公司即獲得生產最高品質的樂器美譽,並獲得全世界的好評,在1839年和1845年維也納工業展覽會中,Bosendorfer鋼琴贏得最高獎並獲得崇高的聲譽,IgnazBosendorfer與奧地利皇室良好的關係亦加速他的事業成功,他隨即被封為奧地利皇家的鋼琴製造家。