Monday, December 5, 2011

Advertiser testimonial-Nisi Yacht

November 10, 2011

For:  Ritz-Carlton Magazine

Re:  Testimonial  -  Ad Placement in The Ritz-Carlton Magazine

To Whom it May Concern,

I wanted to take a moment to write a small thank you for the great exposure and wonderful experience we encountered when we decided to place brand advertising for our products with the Ritz-Carlton Magazine.

I represent NISI Yachts, a high-quality luxury yacht brand that designs and builds yachts in the 70ft to 140ft range.  NISI yachts encompass casual opulence, legendary styling and state of the art technology and engineering. We placed a one-page brand advertisement in the Summer 2011 issue of the magazine and have since received multiple leads from clients interested in exploring our yachts further. These clients have approached us from Europe (Germany, France, Turkey )as well as from various cities in North America.

Monday, November 7, 2011


得到全球《奢侈品协会》(Luxury Institute)嘉奖的丽思卡尔顿酒店,在该协会年度“富裕消费者”调查”(Survey of Affluent Consumers)的“最佳客户体验”版块,获得第一名。全世界有超过 80 处丽思卡尔顿物业,而丽思卡尔顿的传奇式服务於中国延续;在中国,丽思卡尔顿集团已成功开设8座酒店,坐落於北京丶上海丶深圳丶广州丶三亚及香港。其中,《上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店》於2011年度被《康德纳斯特旅行者》(Conde Nast Traveler)杂志评选为世界排名第一之顶级奢华酒店。《香港丽思卡尔顿酒店》则为位处全球楼层最高的酒店,凭藉时尚设计和优雅风格,最近获国际旅游杂志权威《Virtuoso Life》颁发2011年度「最佳设计」奖项,为全中国唯一获颁此荣誉的酒店。

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Coco李玟 於香港Ritz-Carlton舉辦世紀婚禮

Coco供RITZ-CARLTON六星級餐宿 300賓客上流吃睡


SKY 100婚宴布置高貴典雅,現場有樂隊伴奏。

【朱健弘╱香港報導】李玟(Coco)與樂裕民(Bruce Rockowitz)昨起在香港的一連兩天奢華婚宴斥資6億元台幣,據身邊好友透露,最大的花費在於安排來自世界各地300位賓客在六星級THE RITZ-CARLTON酒店的住宿、餐飲及機票費用,這部分已高達3億元,安排婚禮事宜的公關公司也讓她砸1千萬元,還安排私人飛機接送歐普拉等西洋巨星,租借邵氏影城當今晚派對場地,連送給媒體的餐盒都要價400元,出手相當闊綽。

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

英國皇室大婚的禮物 --BRINKERHOFF

Designer and Artist; Clara Brinkerhoff and husband and business partner, Jorge Brinkerhoff of BRINKERHOFF & CO. were contacted two weeks ago by a guest of The Ritz-Carlton.

This particular Ritz-Carlton guest saw Brinkerhoff & Co.'s beautiful Swarovski encrusted Peacock sculpture ad in the Fall 2010 issue of The Ritz-Carlton Magazine (page 20 - a left hand read) several months ago and recalling the stunning WHITE PEACOCK figurine, ordered one to be shipped immediately overnight, that very day, as a special wedding gift to the ROYAL COUPLE;  Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

麗思酒店雜誌於The Ritz-Carlton 酒店房間 (Hong Kong)

CNN採訪了香港麗思酒店的服務人員,著眼於其卓越、細心、體貼的客房清潔服務。特別的是,在這段影片中,也發現The Ritz-Carlton Magazine及Weddings by The Ritz-Carlton 雜誌 被放置在酒店茶几上,並且是服務人員收拾房間時第一個擺放整齊的項目。
